Vorkosigan Wiki
Vorkosigan Wiki
"Vassily was wearing his nervous, Help-I-Am-In-The-Corrupt-Capital look again. Ekaterin was strongly tempted to shut the door on them both, leaving Vassily to be killed and eaten by whatever cannibals he imagined populated Vorbarr Sultana's alleyways—or drawing rooms."
―Vassily plans to rescue Nikki from the dangerous capital[src]

Vassily Vorsoisson (vor-SWAH-sn), a cousin to Etienne Vorsoisson, became the officially-recognized guardian of Nikolai Vorsoisson upon Tien's death. He was content to leave Nikki's guardianship to Ekaterin at first, but when slanderous talk from the capital reached him, he and Hugo Vorvayne became frightened and tried to take custody of Nikki from her. Preventing this from happening required the personal intervention of Emperor Gregor.

Vassily was a well-meaning if none-too-bright young man who sincerely wanted to do the right thing but was blinded to the fact he was being manipulated by means of his prim, parochial Vor ideas.

